What Are Cybersecurity Consulting Services?

Our cybersecurity consulting services are designed for you to engage in ongoing conversations with our experts to formulate the most effective strategies for protecting your company's network and data against cyber threats.

When you partner with us, you'll be assigned a dedicated consultant who offers impartial advice on the most suitable cybersecurity strategy for your specific needs. Their deep expertise and intimate knowledge of your network make them feel like an integral part of your team. This arrangement provides you with the best of both worlds – the comfort of a team member and the resources of a cybersecurity provider, ensuring a strong and enduring partnership with Summers Cybersecurity.

We also offer comprehensive training to keep your employees well-versed in current security best practices. Our specialists play a pivotal role in educating your staff about identifying potential scams and vulnerabilities, effectively reducing the risk of them inadvertently becoming entry points for cyber attackers. It's worth noting that 90% of data breaches result from human error, emphasizing the critical importance of this training.

Get personalized recommendations for your business with a Summers Cybersecurity risk assessment.

Why We’re Different

Long-Term Partnership

At Summers Cybersecurity, our commitment goes beyond immediate solutions; we're here to cultivate a long-term partnership that safeguards your ongoing success. We're dedicated to delivering comprehensive and proactive cybersecurity solutions whenever you require them.

Fully In-House

We keep all our services in-house. This means your information remains confidential, and you can trust that every aspect of your cybersecurity is meticulously managed by our dedicated team of experts.

Dedicated Consultant

Our cybersecurity services are tailored to your unique needs. Each account is paired with a dedicated consultant backed by a team of seasoned experts, ensuring a personalized approach to your security.

Significant Experience

Our team is adept at meeting the unique demands of businesses, regardless of their size, ranging from small and medium enterprises to large corporations.